Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine
A Comprehensive Study Guide, 9th edition
Tintinalli, Ma, Yealy, Meckler, Stapczynski, Cline, and Thomas
ISBN: 1260019934
Available October 2019
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7th Edition Chapter References

Classic and contemporary references to provide evidence for pathophysiology, clinical features, and treatment.

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Section 12 Pediatrics
  Chapter 116 The Nose and Sinuses
  Chapter 117 The Mouth and Throat
  Chapter 118 Neck Masses in Children
  Chapter 119 Stridor and Drooling
  Chapter 130 Headaches in Children
  Chapter 135 Sickle Cell Disease
  Chapter 139 The Child with Diabetes

Section 15 Toxicology
  Chapter 171 Cyclic Antidepressants
  Chapter 174 Antipsychotics
  Chapter 175 Lithium
  Chapter 176 Barbiturates
  Chapter 177 Benzodiazapines
  Chapter 179 Alcohols
  Chapter 180 Opioids
  Chapter 182 Hallucinogens
  Chapter 183 Aspirin and Salicylates
  Chapter 184 Acetaminophen
  Chapter 187 Digitalis Glycosides
  Chapter 188 β-Blockers
  Chapter 189 Calcium Channel Blockers
  Chapter 190 Antihypertensive Agents
  Chapter 191 Anticonvulsants
  Chapter 192 Iron
  Chapter 194 Caustics
  Chapter 195 Pesticides
  Chapter 196 Anticholinergics
  Chapter 197 Metals and Metalloids
  Chapter 198 Industrial Toxins
  Chapter 199 Vitamins and Herbals
  Chapter 200 Antimicrobials
  Chapter 201 Dyshemoglobinemias

  Chapter 203 Hypothermia
  Chapter 204 Heat Emergencies
  Chapter 205 Bites and Stings
  Chapter 206 Reptile Bites
  Chapter 209 Drowning
  Chapter 210 Thermal Burns
  Chapter 211 Chemical Burns
  Chapter 212 Electrical Injuries
  Chapter 213 Lightning Injuries
  Chapter 214 Mushroom Poisoning
  Chapter 215 Poisonous Plants
  Chapter 217 Carbon Monoxide

Section 21 Trauma
  Chapter 250 Trauma in Adults
  Chapter 251 Trauma in Children
  Chapter 252 Geriatric Trauma
  Chapter 253 Trauma in Pregnancy
  Chapter 256 Facial Injuries
  Chapter 257 Trauma to the Neck
  Chapter 258 Pulmonary Trauma
  Chapter 259 Cardiac Trauma
  Chapter 260 Abdominal Trauma
  Chapter 262 Genitourinary Trauma

  Chapter 266 Wrist Injuries
  Chapter 269 Pelvis Injuries
  Chapter 270 Hip and Femur Injuries
  Chapter 271 Knee Injuries
  Chapter 272 Leg Injuries
  Chapter 273 Ankle Injuries
  Chapter 274 Foot Injuries
  Chapter 275 Compartment Syndrome